here's my August currently! I got it from Oh' Boy 4th Grade's Facebook!
Listening: "When I See You Smile" by Uncle Sam. one of my favorite songs of all time! It was actually playing in an old home video that I've been watching. It was on a Touched By An Angel soundtrack that I got for Christmas when I was 8.
Loving: It's been nice the past few days, but today it's only 74 outside and it feels wonderful! Not to mention it's raining and gloomy and there's thunder rumbling in the background.
Thinking: I want to go to the beach so darn bad! Tony and I have a trip planned for next weekend (August 10th & 11th) for our anniversary and I'm praying that we'll still get to go!
Wanting: A job more than anything! I'm so bored and I want to get back to teaching. Not to mention I need the money. Trying to save up for a wedding and a house is hard when only one person is working.
Needing: A job, again. It's really taking a toll on my self-esteem not working. I'm going crazy just sitting here and I feel really pathetic.
B2s must haves: A new purse (which I got last week from my mom's store for only $9.99, it's wonderful and it fits me perfectly. I love it). A new planner (I actually bought this last Christmas but I never used it for some reason. so a few weeks ago I took a day to set it up. It's really nice and wonderfully laid out and I can't wait to start using it, so hopefully something will come up and I'll be able to put it to use). Starbucks gift-cards (with winter coming, this is always a necessity, not to mention that once I start going back to school (and hopefully working again) full time I'll need all the caffeine I can get!)
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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