Here's my September Currently! Thanks to Oh' Boy 4th Grade for the linky!
Listening: "Goodbye Town" by Lady Antebellum. This song is my new addiction and I can't stop listening to it. I love everything about Lady A.
Loving: My new job! It's awesome! Stressful, but awesome! I'm really enjoying my kids and my class and the people I work with! It's a very nice change!
Thinking: How blessed I am to have wonderful parents. Especially wonderful parents that take me to the Emergency Room at 4:45am when I'm in excruciating pain (like this morning). My dad really is awesome!
Wanting: FALL! I'm so over summer! I hate it! I can't stand being hot and sweating. I'm so ready for chilly nights and sweaters and boots and Thanksgiving. I love everything about fall.
Needing: Even though I'm now on Hydrocodone and it's helping, I'm still in pain and I'm unable to do anything, so I'd like to get better soon!
Love Yourself Spot: 1) File Folder Games: one of the things I'm helping Bree with for the class is working on File Folder Games and Learning Centers. I have tons of ideas but I really need to get rolling and get them done. 2) Exercise More: I've been slacking so much since I started working again and I hate it! I really need to get my ass moving again! 3) Read a Book: I want to read a book, from beginning to end, and I want it to be for more than just school.
Congrats on your new job! I love Fall too! I can't wait to wear jeans and a sweater!
Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks